
Who am I? ~ What do I write about? ~ Where to find me ~ Disclaimer

Who am I?

Well... I'm Dave! đź‘‹

I live in Prairie country near the beautiful Canadian Rockies with my family. I'm a proud Aussie who ironically became a Canadian citizen on Australia Day many years back.

I studied Hebrew and archaeology at university, was a youth pastor in several churches, and worked as a youth worker/food services manager for a Christian social non-profit.

Most recently, I have been a stay-at-home dad while transitioning my career into OSINT, Online and Private Investigations.

I am a bit of a theological mutt, influenced by the rich theology and traditions of Anglicanism, Presbyterianism, and the Baptist church. There is also a tiny bit of charismatic influence somewhere.

My APEST Personal Vocational Assessment has me as a Prophetic-Shepherding type.

And though faith is vital to my identity, I utterly loathe hyper-spiritualized politics and hate.

Personality-wise, I'm an INFJ (Advocate) and Enneagram 2 (Helper) type.

In regards to politics, I have often considered myself a “proud centrist” but these days the Political Compass has me pegged as a left-leaning libertarian – which really sucks as I live in an increasingly redneck dystopia far-right province. Alberta can be a hate-fuelled dumpster fire at times...

Besides that, I'm just a guy who loves podcasts, movies, football (soccer), escape rooms, CTFs, and the occasional family adventure.

What do I write about?

Prairie Life: Thoughts about life on the Canadian Prairies, including stuff on family, travel, photography, disability, parenting and the hyper-spiritualization of politics and hate in Alberta.

Daily Liturgy: Devotional thoughts, sermons, theological quotes, prayers, rethinking theology, and seeing Jesus in the ordinariness of life.

Film & TV: Thoughs, reviews and complaints based on what I'm watching on TV or at the cinema.

Soundwaves: Various musings based on what I'm currently listening to – whether its a podcast, audiobook or a song on a playlist.

Mental Health & Fitness:: This is a collection of bits and pieces about mental health, loneliness & isolation, weight loss, emotional & spiritual abuse and my overall health.

Tradecraft: All about OSINT, Python, social engineering, tools, CTF walkthroughs, and learning the art of private/online investigating.

Finally, you can also check out my Weekly Summary posts, Now Page and Archive page to keep up to date with what's currently happening.

Where to find me:

Social Media:



You can verify me via my PGP Key.

You can also subscribe to posts from this blog via RSS or any ActivityPub enabled account at @neonprairieland@davewinter.blog

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Disclaimer Stuff:

This is my personal website and blog; the information presented here is general and represents my independent opinion. It is not endorsed by any employer or client, nor does it constitute any official communication by or for anyone else.

It's OK to disagree with me, but I'm unlikely to engage with you unless you display a modicum of style and intelligence (a decently reasoned argument). I will not tolerate trolling or ad hominem attacks.

When possible, alternate privacy-respecting social media frontends, such as Nitter, Libremdb and Invidious, will be used across this site.

Most of the art has been created using the OpenAI DALL·E 2 system, Midjourney and the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). Profile picture by the very talented Banshee.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), Copyright ©️ 2017, 2020 by Holman Bible Publishers.

The Christian Standard Bible and CSB are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

Creative Commons License
Finally, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.