

This has become a 'living document' that gets added as needed. Writing it has become deeply therapeutic for me. It has helped ground me in a reality based on goodness and truth, not the many lies and ensuing destruction. It has also been instrumental in helping me find some form of healing and recover my God-given identity in Christ – mind you, ever so slowly. Finally, it serves as the antidote to a lot of the gaslighting and abuse that I (we) have experienced over the past 18 years. (Last Updated: Spring 2024)

The Post is pretty emotionally raw and opinionated in some places, based on a lot of what I have experienced and what I can remember – mainly supplemented with facts and evidence from conversations with my wife as well as the emails/letters/texts sent to us, my place of employment and my family back home in Australia. As with most posts of a personal nature, the events described here have been written about through the lens of my pain and experience.